Development Applications
Development Applications

Development Applications

Development Applications

Information regarding lodgement of an application for development approval (planning approval)
Last updated on: 04 September 2024

Development Applications

A development approval, through a development application, is the first step to building or changing a land use associated with any development site.

Application Information

Register or sign in

To submit an application, you will need to register or sign in for a mySouthPerth account. Click the Register and Sign In option at the top right of this page to proceed.
For assistance with your mySouthPerth account, visit our information page.

Already signed in?

If you see your initials at the top right-hand corner of this page, you are already signed in.

Submit an application

To submit an application, proceed below.

Before you begin

Prior to commencing the application via the link below, ensure you have an electronic copy (eg scan) of the following documentation prior to completing the application process:
  • Covering letter outlining the application and proving any justification for discretion sought
  • Fully dimensioned and scaled plans including site plan, floor plan and elevations which show all structures and lot boundaries
  • Fully dimensioned and scaled elevation drawings showing all structures and natural ground level and proposed ground/floor levels
  • Information relating to the materials required for lodgement of a development application can be found within the Development Application Checklist
Please note that additional information such as technical reports (eg acoustic assessment) and additional plans such as a landscaping plan may be requested depending on the specific site context and requirements under the planning framework.
You will be required to attach this information during the application process.

Application attachments

Please ensure you are attaching all plans, materials and supporting information relevant to the application as part of your initial lodgement. Any omissions, or additional materials will be required to be sent as separate emails, which will be limited to standard email size limitations (eg 10MB).

Post lodgement process

Once your application is lodged, the following steps will apply:
  • Your application will be reviewed within seven (7) days to ensure all required information/documentation has been provided. You will be contacted if anything is missing
  • When all documentation has been received to the City's satisfaction, the lodgement part of the process will be complete
  • The application will then be assessed and the following statutory timeframes apply:
  • Development applications requiring neighbour consultation should generally be determined within 90 days from the date the application is accepted
  • If consultation is not required, they should be determined within 60 days from the date the application is accepted
  • Applications that are required to be referred to a Council Meeting for determination may take 90 days or more depending upon receipt of all relevant information from the applicant.