Pay an Infringement
Pay an Infringement

Pay an Infringement

Pay an Infringement

Pay a vehicle or other infringement type.
Last updated on: 07 October 2024


Please note that it can take approximately 24 hours for an infringement notice to be uploaded to the payment system. If your infringement number isn't recognised when you enter it, please try again later.
Failed payment?
If your payment fails, any further attempts will be unavailable for up to 60 minutes. Please retry after waiting for one hour.

Overdue payments

After 28 days from receiving a Final Demand Notice from us, outstanding payments will be referred to the Fines Enforcement Registry, who will issue a 'Court Order to Pay or Elect' via text, email and/or letter. Once this has taken place, payment can no longer be made to the City of South Perth.
Please visit the eCourts Portal to make a payment directly to the Fines Enforcement Registry. You will need to register via the portal prior to making a payment.
Image representing task card

Pay a Vehicle Infringement

Search for the ticket number (example below).
Payments will be displayed here
Image representing task card

Pay an Other Infringement

Search for the payment reference number (example below).
Payments will be displayed here

Infringement enquiries

  • If you are considering appealing the infringement, refer to Infringement Appeals information for guidance
  • If you have an enquiry about an infringement, raise a request below
  • An officer will respond within 10 business days.