Stormwater Runoff
Stormwater Runoff

Stormwater Runoff

Stormwater Runoff

Property owners are required to effectively contain water run off on their properties.
Last updated on: 07 October 2024


Property owners are required to effectively contain water run off within their property boundaries except where discharge to the City's stormwater infrastrucrture is approved by the City due to geotechnical requirements.

Water is water runoff?

  • Rainwater that is collected from roof and other impervious surfaces (such as paved areas) on and around the building on the property
  • Swimming pool water discharged from overflowing or emptied swimming pools.

Reporting issues

You can report issues with stormwater run off via a request below.

Containing water run off

The most effective way to contain run off is to provide catchment areas such as soakwells or similar methods to disperse the rainwater collected from gutters and downpipes from roof and paved areas. One downpipe is required for approximately 15 square metres of roof area and the distance between downpipes should not exceed 12 metres.


Containment of stormwater on residential properties subject to Part B of the Residential Design Codes is specified in Clause 5.3.9 (C9) of the deemed-to-comply provisions, which states:
'All water draining from roofs, driveways, communal streets and other impermeable surfaces shall be directed to garden areas, sumps or rainwater tanks within the development site where climatic and soil conditions allow for the effective retention of stormwater on site.'
Containment of stormwater on residential properties subject to Part C of the Residential Design Codes is specified in Clause 1.4 (C1.4.1 and C1.4.2) of the deemed-to-comply provisions, which states:
'Stormwater runoff draining from roofs, driveways, communal streets and other impervious surfaces generated by a small rainfall event to be retained on site, with run-off directed to garden areas, rainwater tanks and infiltration cells (e.g. soakwells), appropriate to climatic, local soil and groundwater conditions.
Notwithstanding C1.4.1, stormwater may be directed to a district or local stormwater drainage system where required by the decisionmaker due to climatic, local soil or groundwater conditions.'
Containment of stormwater emanating from non-residential properties should be contained on site to the satisfaction of the City unless otherwise approved by the City.

New drainage / stormwater approvals

Refer to new drainage / stormwater requirements knowledge for information stormwater approval requirements.

Raise a Request

  • To report stormwater run off issues, raise a request below
  • An officer will investigate within the next 10 business days.